Showing posts with label El reflejo de la muerte. Show all posts
Showing posts with label El reflejo de la muerte. Show all posts

December 14, 2011

José Luis Carranza - El reflejo de la muerte (Galería Enlace)

José Luis Carranza (óleo)
I used to work in the Ritz Carlton –Key Biscayne, in Florida, with people not only from the US but also from a number of countries in South and Central America as well as some European countries. 

In fact, I shared an apartment with four 'foreign' (or foreigner than I was) guys, one of them was from Korea and the other two were from Turkey. 

It was a pleasant surprise to realize that despite our cultural differences we were able to get along just fine. I have to admit that I had never talked to people from neither of those countries, and it was very interesting to be part of a group of individuals from such different backgrounds.

It was important to be fluent in English, because the only way to communicate with men and women from countries like France, Rumania or Turkey was through a common language. Although some of them could speak Spanish at a beginner’s level, I guess being in Florida made it necessary; after all, many Hispanics reside in the sunny state.
José Luis Carranza (óleo)

I learned to keep an open mind about people that I would have normally considered as “different”. When I first found out that I was going to live with Turkish and Korean guys I have to admit that I was somehow preoccupied. 

However, after sharing my time with them I understood that we weren’t so different after all. 

After a few days I found out that we had things in common. For example, the Korean guy was a comic book collector just like I am. And a couple of the Turkish guys were very interested in computer games. There were differences between us, but I decided that none of those differences should cause any trouble between us. 

What I did was try to find what we had in common, to find something that could bring us together instead of focusing on the details that might have driven us apart. 
my sketch / mi boceto

My Turkish friends used to have a cup of tea every afternoon, very much like I suppose the British do; occasionally I joined them in this activity that seemed almost like a ritual. They used to go to bed early, so I avoided making noise. My Korean friend always had a lot of questions, he was amazed by everything, it was his first visit to the United States; I knew I had to be patient, and so I was, and I answered a lot of his questions.

And yet, here I am in Lima, Perú, and I'm still appalled by the level of hatred and intolerance that I see almost on a daily basis. Is it so hard for Peruvians to get along? Or is it just that I'm so naive to think that if I can make things work out between Koreans and Turkeys and Muslims then I can make things work here? Frankly, I don't know.
José Luis Carranza (acuarela)

El día de ayer se inauguró “El reflejo de la muerte”, la última muestra del año de la Galería Enlace; en esta ocasión, los extraordinarios cuadros de José Luis Carranza nos recuerdan por qué es uno de los mejores artistas jóvenes del Perú. 

Carranza ya ha ganado importantes premios en nuestro medio, y pese a la fama y las posibles distracciones que podrían acompañar al éxito, ha logrado mantener la disciplina que todo creador necesita. Así, por ejemplo, el artista supo aprovechar su estadía en Francia para perfeccionar la técnica de la acuarela, y hoy presenta una serie de cuadros en pequeño formato en donde se aprecia un trabajo exquisito del color, y una refinación que sólo podría alcanzarse tras arduos años de empeño y que Carranza, no obstante, ha logrado en poco tiempo.

Sus cuadros al óleo, en gran formato, han sido siempre un ejercicio magnífico de la imaginación; también son la unión armónica entre una brillante mente creativa y unas manos hábiles, ágiles, que traducen la personalidad siempre lúcida e inquisitiva del propio artista. Basta mirar los cuadros de Carranza con un poco de atención para intuir todo el proceso de concepción: desde la planificación, el diseño de los personajes, la acción y los cientos de detalles que en lugar de adornar, refuerzan y enriquecen imágenes ya de por sí poderosas. El estilo de Carranza es único, ha logrado imprimirle vida a unos seres de ojos acuosos, musgosos, humor vítreo  a medio camino entre la podredumbre y la mesa de disección.
José Luis Carranza (acuarela)

Mi amiga Paola Tejada me presentó a Carranza en setiembre del 2010, cuando inauguró su muestra individual en la Galería Yvonne Sanguineti. Pero antes de esa ocasión, ya había estado siguiendo con interés su obra. 

Sí recuerdo que el espacio de la galería barranquina quedaba un poco pequeño para Carranza, por eso celebro que Roberto Ascóniga haya organizado esta muestra en Enlace, y me alegra ver la gran acogida de “El reflejo de la muerte”. 

El martes, Renzo Rey y yo llegamos tardísimo a Enlace, y por supuesto nos quedamos sin vino y sin catálogo, pero eso no nos impidió admirar con entusiasmo la obra de Carranza. 

Me encontré con muchos amigos y artistas, como Gabriela Gastelumendi, Asad López de Castilla, John Chauca, Marcos Palacios, Iván Fernández Dávila, Eduardo Deza, Roberto Cores, etc. 

Estaré a la espera de futuras muestras, estoy seguro que serán maravillosas.